The Power Structure consists of the 13 IILLUMINATI Bloodlines (Families), the COMMITTEE OF 300, the ROUND TABLE among others.

“For those who can see in the dark.”
— Martin, Admin

The 13 Illuminati are often named as LIONS / TIGERS. Some of the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines are Rothschild (Jewish – Paris etc.), Rockefeller (NYC – STAR WARS CITY – Gatekeeping Lion in a CITY of WOLVES), Li (Hong Kong – Tiger among Lions), Kennedy, Onasis, Freeman and others. Disney is a honorable Lion.

COM OF 300

How the COMMITTEE OF 300 looks like in the 1990s (see Chart on the right side). The Committee was described in a book by Dr. John Coleman in 1992 with the title “Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300“. Here is the BOOK. Brave Lions (Illuminati) and Attacking Wolves (Hundreds).

Part of the COMMITTEE of 300 is the British Monarchy, the King of Saudi Arabia – most Secret Government branches like MAJESTIC and the NRO and many others.


The so called ROUND TABLE consits of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the United Nations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Club of Rome. An Overhead to single country Governments with a Strategic Scope for the developement of the World in General.
Angelina Jolie for example is an ambassador for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).